9827 S Hayes Ave

Raisin City, CA 93652

(559) 288-8874

Contact - Katie McCaslan

(559) 392-0848

Contact - Don McCaslan

Flos Jody

2005 Red Dun Mare

“Jody” is a fancy 15.1 hh red dun mare who ran AA on the track and then quickly made a nice barrel horse!!! She is by OK Jodys Dasher SI 103 who is by the great Jody O Toole SI 106. Her dam is by the amazing sire Takin On The Cash SI 109 and out of Canales Return SI 94. Jody was one of our very first broodmares and has had countless special babies for us. Several by First Down French, TKW Runaway Fame and one by PCR Switfly Famous. Each one of them is super talented, FAST footed, tons of run, and the hearts to win!!!! Jody is definitely a star producer here at Shining M Ranch!!! 

Checked in foal to TKW RUNAWAY FAME for April 2024 baby.